5 things to do on Friday to make Monday easier

5 things to do on Friday to make Monday easier

Friday afternoons are tough. Focus wanes. Motivation has already left for the weekend. The clock ticks slower & slower. These five quick tips can help bring a sense of accomplishment to your Friday afternoon AND get you hitting the ground running on Monday. 1. Clean out your inbox (ruthlessly) That time sink that is email. Delete, file, unsubscribe, quickly reply. Do whatever you can to tame it so Monday morning isn’t consumed with email. 2. Review your schedule for next week Take a look over your diary to get a feel for the week ahead. Are there any meetings you can now cancel or consolidate? Do you need to do any preparation? Can you schedule another hour or two on your top priorities? 3. Evaluate your to do list – cull, reprioritise & determine next actions Your priorities over the week have no doubt changed. Take a few minutes to rejig your to do list, making sure you have clear next actions for each of your projects or to do’s. 4. Get your first task for Monday ready to go Don’t spend the first three coffees on Monday shuffling papers, trying to remember what it was you’d planned to do. Get everything ready for your first task (this might be as simple as a post-it on your desk), so you can walk in that door on Monday & Get. It. Done. 5. Tidy your work area File papers, bin rubbish & go wash the coffee cups. You’ll need them on Monday 😉 Bonus tip: Revisit your gains from the week. Finish the day on a high & give your self a...
How to increase your productivity by 31%

How to increase your productivity by 31%

Are you looking for a 31% increase in productivity? Shawn Achor, psychologist and expert on the connection between happiness and success, says that five simple actions can make all the difference. Write 3 things you are grateful for each day Journal one positive experience from the last 24 hours Exercise Meditation Random acts of kindness Doing each of these for 21 days can create “ripples of positivity”, changing your outlook and making you more likely to achieve. Watch his very entertaining TEDx talk to learn more. [ted...
VMS Website Redesign

VMS Website Redesign

VMS (Vehicle Modification Specialists) is a Geelong company that works wonders with cars, trucks, vans, buses, in fact anything automotive. They are super passionate about their work, and I was really excited to work with them updating their website. They were after something that provided more emphasis on displaying the fantastic vehicle modifications they undertake, as well as a cleaner, more modern look for their site. We talked about the advantages of creating a responsive website (one that changes depending on the viewing device), as many of VMS’s clients are out & about a lot of the time. This ensures that no matter whether they’re on a desk top computer or a smart phone, people can effectively use the website. Again, I built the site using WordPress which allows a great deal of flexibility and functionality. It’s also simple enough that users can add their own content, for example news updates, if required. VMS decided to let their work do the talking, and most pages on the new website feature slideshows of some of their amazing transformations. Each service has its own page and we included a gallery page combining all images from across the site for ease of access. Images from this page open into a lightbox. Congratulations on the launch of your new website...

Mortlake Muster Website

Mortlake, in South West Victoria, will celebrate the Australia Day weekend with a true blue Aussie show featuring locals of the two and four legged variety. The biennial Mortlake Muster brings together the community in a celebration all that is rural Australia to raise funds for local emergency services organisations. The event has grown steadily over the years and the committee decided it was high time for a website to promote the Mortlake Muster. I created a basic informational site that heavily features photographs from previous events. Keep an eye out for more photos from this year’s event! This type of marketing material (after all, that’s what a website is!) is ideal as it can be updated over time with news, pictures, contact details  and details of upcoming events. It’s quite acceptable to start simple. With a framework such as WordPress, more complexity such as calendars, online ticket sales, and so on can be added as and when the need arises. If you’re at a loose end this Australia Day weekend, take a trip to Mortlake and enjoy the...

Brochure design

Recently I was engaged to design a brochure to promote a new service for a client. Brochure design and updates are great jobs to outsource to your VA. The right VA will have the software and expertise that is often unavailable within a small company. This ensures the job looks great,  is done in an acceptable timeframe and, perhaps most importantly, is effective. I was also able to have the brochures printed, saving my client the running around involved in getting quotes and delivering artwork. Your VA can help with lots of different types of publications: brochures newsletters (paper & electronic) flyers reports business cards promotional materials What can you outsource today to help your business...