
Tacit Business Services helps you set your business for growth, while staying in control of your life.

There are three problems I see small business owners & senior managers struggle with again and again. The first is that they are extremely time-poor. They don’t have time to allocate to strategic thinking & planning for their business, to step away and refresh their mind. They’re losing touch with their life outside of the office.

The second is that they are so stressed because they’re focusing all their time and mental energy working operationally. They’re putting out fires, dealing with one crisis after another. In reality, they spend most days flying by the seat of their pants. They’re scared to even think about growing the business.

Finally, this then means they’re losing business and, to be honest, throwing money away. Despite reasonable turnover, crisis management and poor information due to poor systems eats up profits leaving no way to fund that growth anyway.

The business is in a holding pattern, with a very real danger of stalling or even crashing. And so is their life. They are stressed and exhausted, and just don’t have the time or mental space to make things better.

Leanne Nelson, Tacit Business ServicesHi. I’m Leanne Nelson. I’m the owner of Tacit Business Services and small business process consultant.

I work with service based small business owners & senior managers who are outwardly successful, but inwardly feel like they’re out of control. I take them through a 4 step process that increases their turnover by 50% in 12 – 18 months, while at the same time decreasing their stress levels enormously.

I grew up in a small business family and have worked with and in small businesses for over 20 years. My goal is to help small business owners get off the treadmill of constantly working for little result, so they can love their business (and their life) again.

If you’d like to have a chat about how we could work together to help you gain control give me a call on 0419319214 or contact me