VMS (Vehicle Modification Specialists) is a Geelong company that works wonders with cars, trucks, vans, buses, in fact anything automotive. They are super passionate about their work, and I was really excited to work with them updating their website.
They were after something that provided more emphasis on displaying the fantastic vehicle modifications they undertake, as well as a cleaner, more modern look for their site.
We talked about the advantages of creating a responsive website (one that changes depending on the viewing device), as many of VMS’s clients are out & about a lot of the time. This ensures that no matter whether they’re on a desk top computer or a smart phone, people can effectively use the website.
Again, I built the site using WordPress which allows a great deal of flexibility and functionality. It’s also simple enough that users can add their own content, for example news updates, if required.
VMS decided to let their work do the talking, and most pages on the new website feature slideshows of some of their amazing transformations. Each service has its own page and we included a gallery page combining all images from across the site for ease of access. Images from this page open into a lightbox.
Congratulations on the launch of your new website VMS!