Website SWOT Analysis

Your website is up and running. Perhaps it’s a few years old. You had high hopes but it’s not getting you the results you expected.

  • Website visits are way down
  • Your pages aren’t showing up in Google
  • Leads from your site are virtually non-existent


What is a Website SWOT Analysis?

A Website SWOT Analysis is a comprehensive review of your site against user experience, search engine optimisation, social and content metrics. Prior to carrying out the analysis, we will discuss how exactly your website should be working for you.

What do you receive?

If all you need is some direction and you’d like to stop there, our Starter package is for you.

To get the full benefit from the Website SWOT Analysis, choose from our Premium or Power packages. Your comprehensive review will contain:

  • A report outlining areas critical to the success of your website
  • A list of fixes that will improve your search engine rankings
  • Strategies to improve goal completion once people are on your website
  • Realistic strategies for content generation and social media that will get your posts in front of the right people



  • 1 hour consultation to clarify your website goals & outline best practices
  • Full site review against user experience, SEO, social and content metrics with a list of fixes
  • Strategy to improve goal completion
  • Realistic social media and content strategies
  • Keyword targeting recommendations
  • 1 hour follow up consultation to review your improvements
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  • 1 hour consultation to clarify your website goals & outline best practices
  • Full site review against user experience, SEO, social and content metrics with a list of fixes
  • Strategy to improve goal completion
  • Realistic social media and content strategies
  • Keyword targeting recommendations
  • 1 hour follow up consultation to review your improvements
Book Now